Sunday, December 15, 2013

Review on Conditional Statements

Be sure to know your conditional statements!

Each sentence can be re-written in "If __(hypothesis)_____, then ___(conclusion)_________" form.

Let's look at this sentence:  "Scoring more than 70% on the test will let you pass"

First, identify the conclusion:  "you pass"
Then identify the hypothesis:  "scoring more than 70% on the test"

Next, put them into an If-Then statement:   "If  scoring more than 70% on the test Then you pass"

Note that this sentence doesn't make sense, nor does it have good English grammar.  So we change and add some words for it to makes sense.  Here's what it becomes:
 "If you score more than 70% on the test, then you will pass."

This If-Then statement is called the Conditional Statement.  We can rearrange the hypothesis and conclusion as well as negate them to have the 4 types of Logic statements in Geometry.

 "If you score more than 70% on the test, then you will pass."

Inverse Statement:
 "If you do NOT score more than 70% on the test, then you will NOT pass."  <--- notice the addition of the word NOT, meaning they got negated.

Converse Statement:
 "If  you will pass, then you score more than 70% on the test."  <--- notice the hypothesis and conclusion got swapped.

Contrapositive Statement"
 "If  you will NOT pass, then you will NOT score more than 70% on the test."  <-- notice that the hypothesis and conclusion got swapped AND each part got negated by using the word NOT.

Be sure you can remember which is which.

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